Thursday, May 21, 2009


teacher:Good morning student.

student : good morning

teacher: sudents todays homework is pg.132 -140 

student: Ahhhhhh

other student: dude stop that .

student: why should I.

other student:be cause its idea #19 and you should respect it and if  you dont respect it there will be bad consequences. 

student: ohhhh 

student: im sorry miss 

teacher :its ok and because of that ahhhhh I was going to give you more homework but you learned why you shouldn't do that you students only have pg.132-135 


I would have my entire script typed in imoviean be seated at all times . What I would also do is always when i have a question i would raise up my hand.

See full size imageAnd I will never behave like this silly monkey.