Monday, June 1, 2009

All I neeed to do in my imovie is too put the music in the movie and im done. What I would do too finish by thursday is put in the music today in my movie too finish and not worry no more.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Hi my name is Emmanuel Flores.


I live in mission TX. I am in the 6th Grade at IDEA Mission College Prep.  My favorite subjects are reading and math I am involved in schools activities, such as Student Council, Soccer etc.  I also enjoy using the computer in tech.  Three words that describe me are:  pessimist, smart, & awesome. The person I admire most is my parents because I like how they are .If I could be anything I wanted to be, I would become the best engineer in oil fields because that my dream job. When I go to college, I will study engineering.  I will attend A&M University.  I chose this college because I’ve always wanted to go there.   Something I think I will be challenging in college is hard work. Something I think will be fun in college is go whenever I want to go to class. After college I will be rich.                                                                              

Thursday, May 21, 2009


teacher:Good morning student.

student : good morning

teacher: sudents todays homework is pg.132 -140 

student: Ahhhhhh

other student: dude stop that .

student: why should I.

other student:be cause its idea #19 and you should respect it and if  you dont respect it there will be bad consequences. 

student: ohhhh 

student: im sorry miss 

teacher :its ok and because of that ahhhhh I was going to give you more homework but you learned why you shouldn't do that you students only have pg.132-135 


I would have my entire script typed in imoviean be seated at all times . What I would also do is always when i have a question i would raise up my hand.

See full size imageAnd I will never behave like this silly monkey.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Today I will_behave with best manners_in Mrs .hinojosa's class. I want to _be recognized by everybody_  before the end of the year. I want to learn _how to type really fast and learn lots of mmore stuff_.